Friday, July 27, 2007

Hello! Hello!

Hoping that your Summer is bringing you lots of good times and that all is well with everyone!

It's been a while, but I finally have a couple more auctions up on ebay... simply click on the bead collections' titles and be taken directly to their ebay auctions...

NATURE'S LOVELIES ::: A collection of handmade artisan lampwork glass beads in the beautiful colors of Mother Nature... deep browns, honey, champagne, amber, touches of pale maroon and pale steel blues... great Summer colors... these beads were created with a bracelet and matching earrings in mind.

There are 18 beads in this collection... these are all lentil shaped beads and measure from 18mm to 19mm... there are also 3 matching pair of beads for earrings and/or "danglies"... these beads have been gently etched and are all decorated all the way around... they are temporarily strung on ribbon and this strand of beads measures about 10 inches long.

Here are a couple of pictures of this collection... there are more pictures in the ebay auction...

SILVERED HONEY ::: A collection of handmade lampwork glass beads in rich honey and ambers with champagne and silvered ivory on a backdrop of black with oodles of fine silver... also, 2 pair of matching beads that were created with earrings in mind... colors that will work year round.

There are 21 beads in this collection... to start is a lentil shaped focal bead that measures about 26mm... also... 16 lentil shaped beads measuring from about 17mm to 19mm with four of them being gently etched to satin matte finish... there are also 2 pair of matching beads that were created with earrings and/or 'danglies' in mind... one of these pairs have been gently etched to match the etched lentil shaped beads... these beads have all been decorated on both sides and have been temporarily strung on ribbon... this strand of beads measures about 13-1/4 inches long.

A couple of pictures of this collection and as the collection above, there are more pics at the ebay auction site...

Hope your weekend ROCKS! I am working on some Specials for my web site and, unfortunately, still have not figured out how to send out a mailing via email with our new ISP to my customer's list... I'll keep working on that and eventually will get it.

Take good care and talk to you soon.

G'nite, Gracie :)

P.S. Hi Mal!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hello all!

Hoping your weekend was awesome.

I just added a new Special to my website...
EARTHY BLUES... this Special is a collection of handmade lampwork glass beads in earthy shades of blues... from steel blues to gray blues with accents in honey and champagne... these are all lentil shapes except for the matching 3 pair of round beads that were created with earrings in mind.

There are 11 lentil shaped beads in this collection that measure from 17mm to 20mm... the 3 matching pair range in size from 6mm x 8mm to 8mm x 12mm... two of the lentil shapes have been gently etched to a satin matte finish... these beads are all decorated on both sides and have been temporarily strung on satin ribbon... this strand of beads measures about 9-1/4 inches long... great beads for a couple cool bracelets or a lovely necklace with matching earrings!

Here are a couple pictures of these beads, but there are more pictures on my Specials page... if you click on the "Earthy Blues" link above you will be taken to this Special.

Take good care and hoping your week ahead brings you ALL good things!

G'nite, Gracie

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hello everyone,

Hoping all is well with you all!

I just added a new Special to my website... still being inspired by my new surroundings of living in the forest, again, I am offering a collection of my Redwood bead design... these are called IN THE GROVE... and... here's a link if you'd like to check 'em out...
IN THE GROVE... and... here are a couple pictures of them... there are more pictures of these on my Specials page...

On a more personal note, as some of you know, about a year and a half ago, I had a spine fusion surgery and thought everything was groovy now and I was all done with that... however, I now find myself with back trouble again and have an appointment soon with my back surgeon... my sincere apologies for it taking me so long to get my beads in the mail to you... I am really going to get going on finding someone to come and give me a hand with the shipping of my beads to you... sooooo, I promise that very soon there will be no more delays in my shipping!

Take good care everyone!

G'nite, Gracie :)